The need for delivering quality product at affordable cost and within stipulated timeline in the growing Interior and Real Estate market was the impetus to start The Vital Link.
The Vital Link was started by two professionals, each with over 20 years’ experience in Enterprise Customer Management. We strongly believe that a home is not built just by bricks and mortar but on varied emotions which will create memories.
We noticed that even in the age of modern machinery, people still preferred to get their interiors done from carpenters using hand tools at the location. On discussing with multiple clientele, we understood that the most important reason is people still felt comfortable when they get to view and select the materials required and when work is done in front of their eyes.
We thus came out with the concept of absolute transparency by inviting every customer to the factory where production happens. The customers can view the machinery; all materials used and see the production from start to finish.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Getting your ideas for your home on paper is half the work done. Our team of Architects and Interior Designers will discuss and understand your thoughts and share their inputs to provide you with the best design plans for constructing your dream home and beautifying it. We provide customized drawings as per your budget including renovation projects.
Designs can be customized in 2D or 3D drawings with walk through as per client budget &requirements.
"What You Want Is What You Get"... We spent nearly three months, reviewed 18 companies, in search of an interior decorator who has their own factory, who delivers excellent finishing and quality, who is totally transparent in all aspects, who listens to our complex customization requirements...
Exemplary Design Conceived by Pavithra Priya and Well Executed to the last bit by Prasanth & Sandheep. Tremendous Co-ordination work Guys. Keep it up.